Wednesday, May 7, 2008

We're talking about brunettes. Not fighter jets.

This here is my final project for my Layout and Design class, taught by master teacher Gabe Bridwell. He knows everything there is to know about art, and in case he forgets something, he keeps at least five books about it in a bag next to his Mountain Dew. Check him out at

The assignment was to do a 2-page story that you feel 'only you can tell.' Naturally, I showed what would happen if Hellboy encountered the Ferengi. This project was about 11 weeks in the making, so there's only ONE panel that bugs me. New record!

Hope you guys like it.

1 comment:

buccy said...

Hey Clay-
Happy Birthday!!!!
This is really Aunt Meg and Care and Rich. That's all that is up right now...
Happy Birthday!